Network Rankings.  IO / Business Economics rankings 2004  © Christian Roessler

Tables may be freely cited and reproduced except for commercial purposes. Please do not post them elsewhere on the world wide web.

A "network" centered at a university is comprised of all authors who are linked to the university by co-authorship with its faculty. (This includes the university's own faculty as a subset.) The network's "cumulated equivalent papers" score is the sum of equivalent papers produced by members of the network. (See methodology on how an author's equivalent papers are calculated.)


N5. Subdiscipline IO / Business Economics
JEL: D2, D4, L0, L1-L9, M0-M4, O3

    Cumul EP
1 Harvard U USA 102.7
2 U California - Berkeley USA 74.1
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USA 68.9
4 Stanford U USA 65.9
5 Princeton U USA 57.3
6 Northwestern U USA 56.4
7 U Chicago USA 54.7
8 Yale U USA 50.9
9 London School of Economics UK 48.8
10 U Michigan - Ann Arbor USA 48.1
11 U Toulouse I (Sciences Sociales) France 47.7
12 U Wisconsin - Madison USA 44.2
13 New York U (NYU) USA 43.0
14 U Pennsylvania USA 39.7
15 Columbia U USA 37.5
16 U Maryland - College Park USA 35.7
17 Boston U USA 33.2
18 U British Columbia Canada 33.0
19 Penn State U USA 29.2
20 Tel Aviv U Israel 29.1
21 U Southern California USA 28.9
22 Oxford U UK 28.2
23 University College London UK 27.6
24 Ohio State U USA 27.6
25 U Texas - Austin USA 27.6
26 U California - Los Angeles USA 27.0
28 U California - Davis USA 25.0
27 U Minnesota USA 25.0
29 Purdue U USA 24.7
30 Catholic U Louvain Belgium 24.0
31 Indiana U USA 23.4
32 U Illinois - Urbana-Champaign USA 23.1
33 U Arizona USA 20.7
34 Duke U USA 19.7
35 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) USA 19.4
36 Cornell U USA 18.4
37 U Virginia USA 18.4
38 Free U Brussels (U Libre) Belgium 18.3
39 U Rochester USA 18.3
40 Georgetown U USA 17.5
41 Tilburg U Netherlands 17.4
42 Warwick U UK 17.4
43 Carnegie Mellon U USA 16.9
44 Rutgers U USA 16.8
45 U Carlos III Madrid Spain 16.3
46 U Cambridge UK 16.2
47 Ecole National Ponts & Chaussees France 16.0
48 U Toronto Canada 16.0
49 Brown U USA 15.8
50 Dartmouth College USA 15.7
51 U California - San Diego USA 15.6
52 Hebrew U Israel 15.4
53 U Montreal Canada 14.5
54 Michigan State U USA 14.2
55 Iowa State U USA 13.8
56 U Autonoma Barcelona Spain 13.6
57 Southern Methodist U USA 13.5
58 London Business School UK 13.2
59 Washington U St Louis USA 12.9
60 U Colorado - Boulder USA 12.6
61 Queen's U Canada 12.4
62 U Mannheim Germany 12.3
63 U York UK 12.3
64 U Pompeu Fabra Spain 11.8
65 Humboldt U Berlin Germany 11.7
66 U Iowa USA 11.7
67 U Bonn Germany 11.3
68 U North Carolina - Chapel Hill USA 11.1
69 U Florida USA 11.1
70 U Bristol UK 11.0
71 U Edinburgh UK 10.9
72 INSEAD France 10.9
73 U Pittsburgh USA 10.9
74 U Amsterdam Netherlands 10.8
75 U Manchester UK 10.7
76 Stockholm School of Economics Sweden 10.7
77 Boston College USA 10.5
78 U Melbourne Australia 10.4
79 U Aix-Marseille II (Mediterranee) France 10.3
80 Vanderbilt U USA 10.2
81 U Southampton UK 10.2
82 Texas A&M U USA 10.1
83 Stockholm U Sweden 10.1
84 Erasmus U Rotterdam Netherlands 10.0
85 Johns Hopkins U USA 9.9
86 Bar-Ilan U Israel 9.9
87 European U Institute Italy 9.7
88 U Oslo Norway 9.7
89 Queen Mary & Westfield College UK 9.6
90 U Essex UK 9.1
91 U Copenhagen Denmark 9.1
92 Ben-Gurion U Israel 9.0
93 U Oklahoma USA 9.0
94 Arizona State U USA 8.8
95 Virginia Tech USA 8.8
96 Simon Fraser U Canada 8.7
97 Rice U USA 8.7
98 U Cergy-Pontoise France 8.6
99 U Nottingham UK 8.6
100 Hong Kong U Science & Technology (HKUST) China 8.4
101 U Vienna Austria 8.1
102 U Haifa Israel 7.9
103 Georgia State U USA 7.7
104 U Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) France 7.6
105 U Wyoming USA 7.6
106 U Victoria Canada 7.5
107 U Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-U) Germany 7.5
108 U Washington USA 7.4
109 KU Leuven Belgium 7.4
110 McGill U Canada 7.4
111 Royal Holloway College UK 7.4
112 U Laval Canada 7.4
113 George Washington U USA 7.3
114 U Zurich Switzerland 7.2
115 Brandeis U USA 7.1
116 Norwegian School of Economics & Business Norway 6.8
117 U Illinois - Chicago USA 6.7
118 U Bologna Italy 6.7
119 Center for Monetary & Financial Studies (CEMFI) Spain 6.7
120 HEC Montreal Canada 6.6
121 U Notre Dame USA 6.6
122 U Georgia USA 6.5
123 Free U Berlin (Freie U) Germany 6.4
124 U Notre Dame Namur (FUNDP) Belgium 6.3
125 Oregon State U USA 6.2
126 Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) Israel 6.2
127 Brigham Young U USA 6.1
128 U Exeter UK 6.1
129 U Calgary Canada 6.1
130 Ecole Normale Superieure Paris France 6.0
131 US Air Force Academy USA 5.9
132 Brunel U  UK 5.9
133 U Auckland New Zealand 5.8
134 U Guelph Canada 5.8
135 U California - Irvine USA 5.8
136 U Tokyo Japan 5.8
137 Case Western Reserve U USA 5.7
138 National U Singapore Singapore 5.7
139 U California - Santa Cruz USA 5.6
140 U Quebec Canada 5.6
141 U Bocconi Italy 5.5
142 George Mason U USA 5.5
143 U Lausanne Switzerland 5.4
144 Birkbeck College UK 5.4
145 U Aarhus Denmark 5.4
146 Helsinki School of Economics Finland 5.4
147 U St Andrews UK 5.3
148 Sogang U Korea 5.3
149 Australian National U Australia 5.3
150 EHESS - Paris France 5.2
151 U Houston USA 5.2
152 U Maryland - Baltimore USA 5.2
153 U Arkansas - Fayetteville USA 5.2
154 SUNY - Buffalo USA 5.0
155 Tufts U USA 5.0
156 Virginia Commonwealth U USA 5.0
157 Tulane U USA 5.0
158 Syracuse U USA 5.0
159 U Hong Kong China 5.0
160 Free U Amsterdam (Vrije U) Netherlands 5.0
161 North Carolina State U USA 4.9
162 U Alberta Canada 4.8
163 U Pais Vasco Spain 4.7
164 Queen's U Belfast UK 4.7
165 Ecole Polytechnique France 4.6
166 U Western Ontario Canada 4.5
167 U East Anglia UK 4.5
168 Southern Illinois U - Carbondale USA 4.5
169 New U Lisbon (U Nova) Portugal 4.4
170 Emory U USA 4.4
171 U Wisconsin - Milwaukee USA 4.3
172 U Kentucky USA 4.3
173 U California - Santa Barbara USA 4.3
174 Kansas State U USA 4.3
175 California State U - Fullerton USA 4.2
176 Imperial College UK 4.2
177 U New South Wales Australia 4.2
178 Dresden Technical U Germany 4.1
179 U Colorado - Denver USA 4.1
180 McMaster U Canada 4.0
181 Chinese U Hong Kong China 4.0
182 U Liege Belgium 4.0
183 Athens U Economics & Business  Greece 3.9
184 Mexican Autonomous Institute of Technology (ITAM)  Mexico 3.9
185 U Cocody Ivory Coast 3.8
186 Florida International U USA 3.8
187 U South Carolina USA 3.7
188 U Oregon USA 3.7
189 Carleton U Canada 3.7
190 U Central Florida USA 3.6
191 U Lille III (Charles de Gaulle) France 3.6
192 U Glasgow UK 3.6
193 Maastricht U Netherlands 3.5
194 U Alabama - Tuscaloosa USA 3.5
195 U Strasbourg I (Louis Pasteur) France 3.4
196 Louisiana State U USA 3.4
197 U Chile Chile 3.4
198 Florida State U USA 3.4
199 U Crete Greece 3.3
200 Washington State U USA 3.3
201 U Missouri - Columbia USA 3.2
202 Kyoto U Japan 3.2
203 U Bergen Norway 3.1
204 City U Hong Kong  China 3.1
205 U Mississippi USA 3.1
206 U Kent UK 3.1
207 SUNY - Stony Brook USA 3.1
208 Montana State U USA 3.1
209 SUNY - Binghamton USA 3.0
210 U Paris X (Nanterre) France 3.0
211 U Cyprus Cyprus 3.0
212 U Paris VI (Pierre & Marie Curie) France 2.9
213 Gothenburg U Sweden 2.8
214 City U New York (CUNY) USA 2.6
215 U Heidelberg Germany 2.6
216 U Connecticut - Storrs USA 2.6
217 U Salerno Italy 2.6
218 American U USA 2.5
219 DePaul U USA 2.5
220 Bilkent U  Turkey 2.5
221 Norwegian School of Management Norway 2.5
222 U Kiel (Christian-Albrechts-U) Germany 2.5
223 York U Toronto Canada 2.5
224 Indian Statistical Institute - New Delhi India 2.5
225 U Alicante Spain 2.5
226 U Caen France 2.4
227 Georgia Institute of Technology USA 2.4
228 Advanced Technical Institute (Instituto Superior Tecnico) Portugal 2.4
229 Monash U Australia 2.4
230 U Nevada - Las Vegas USA 2.4
231 U Wales - Swansea UK 2.3
232 U Newcastle upon Tyne UK 2.3
233 City U London  UK 2.3
234 U Valencia Spain 2.3
235 U Miami USA 2.3
236 U Wales - Cardiff UK 2.3
237 U Frankfurt (Johann Wolfgang Goethe) Germany 2.2
238 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA 2.2
239 U Groningen Netherlands 2.2
240 Auburn U USA 2.2
241 U Turin Italy 2.2
242 King Saud U Saudi Arabia 2.1
243 Wellesley College USA 2.1
244 U North Carolina - Greensboro USA 2.1
245 U Kansas USA 2.1
246 IESE Business School Spain 2.1
247 Portuguese Catholic U Portugal 2.1
248 Swedish School of Economics Finland 2.0
249 Copenhagen Business School  Denmark 2.0
250 U Waterloo Canada 2.0
251 U Leicester UK 2.0
252 Texas Tech U USA 2.0
253 Concordia U  Canada 2.0
254 Lingnan U Hong Kong China 2.0
255 University College Dublin Ireland 1.9
256 National Chengchi U Taiwan 1.9
257 Marseille School of Mechanics France 1.9
258 U Durham UK 1.9
259 U Helsinki Finland 1.9
260 U Rome I (La Sapienza) Italy 1.9
261 U Sydney Australia 1.9
262 Uppsala U Sweden 1.8
263 U Liverpool UK 1.8
264 U New Mexico USA 1.8
265 College of William & Mary USA 1.8
266 U Birmingham UK 1.8
267 Hitotsubashi U Japan 1.8
268 U Padua Italy 1.8
269 Catholic U Piacenza Italy 1.8
270 U California - Riverside USA 1.7
271 U Delaware USA 1.7
272 Kobe U Japan 1.7
273 East Carolina U USA 1.7
274 Academia Sinica Taiwan 1.7
275 U Udine Italy 1.7
276 Claremont U USA 1.7
277 U Linz (Johannes Kepler) Austria 1.6
278 U Nevada - Reno USA 1.6
279 Florida Atlantic U USA 1.6
280 U Nebraska - Lincoln USA 1.6
281 U Sussex UK 1.6
282 Fundacao Getulio Vargas Brazil 1.6
283 St Lawrence U Canada 1.6
284 Institute of Advanced Studies Vienna Austria 1.6
285 National U San Luis Argentina 1.6
286 Weber State U USA 1.6
287 Jawaharlal Nehru U India 1.6
288 Bond U  Australia 1.6
289 Stavanger University College Norway 1.6
290 Hong Kong Baptist U China 1.5
291 West Virginia U USA 1.5
292 U Dortmund Germany 1.5
293 U South Florida USA 1.5
294 U Milan (Statale) Italy 1.5
295 U Cologne Germany 1.5
296 Wilfrid Laurier U Canada 1.5
297 Academy of Economics Krakow  Poland 1.4
298 Lancaster U UK 1.4
299 Osaka U Japan 1.4
300 Washington & Lee U USA 1.4
301 U Baltimore USA 1.4
302 Vienna Technical U Austria 1.4
303 Catholic U Milan (Cattolica) Italy 1.4
304 U Bielefeld Germany 1.4
305 U Surrey UK 1.4
306 U St Gallen Switzerland 1.4
307 U Winnipeg Canada 1.4
308 Hamilton College USA 1.4
309 Sookmyung Women's U Korea 1.4
310 U Dundee UK 1.4
311 Santa Clara U USA 1.4
312 Appalachian State U USA 1.3
313 Allegheny College USA 1.3
314 U Turku Finland 1.3
315 Korea U Korea 1.3
316 U Publica Navarra Spain 1.3
317 U Paris IX (Dauphine) France 1.3
318 U Saskatchewan Canada 1.3
319 U Queensland Australia 1.3
320 U Cincinnati USA 1.3
321 U Minho Portugal 1.3
322 Ohio U USA 1.3
323 EHESS - Marseille France 1.3
324 Kennesaw State U USA 1.2
325 Centre for Financial & Management Studies (CFIMS)  UK 1.2
326 SUNY - Albany USA 1.2
327 Temple U USA 1.2
328 U Catania Italy 1.2
329 U Torcuato Di Tella Argentina 1.2
330 Vassar College USA 1.2
331 U Ottawa Canada 1.2
332 Nanyang Technological U Singapore 1.2
333 U Regensburg Germany 1.1
334 U Southern Mississippi USA 1.1
335 U Complutense Madrid Spain 1.1
336 U Utah USA 1.1
337 Union College USA 1.1
338 U Siena Italy 1.1
339 U Vermont USA 1.1
340 U Wuerzburg Germany 1.1
341 U Bergamo Italy 1.1
342 U Dayton USA 1.1
343 Keele U UK 1.1
344 Humboldt State U USA 1.1
345 Peking U China 1.1
346 Clemson U USA 1.1
347 Williams College USA 1.1
348 U Urbino Italy 1.1
349 U Pavia Italy 1.1
350 U Texas - Dallas USA 1.1
351 Central American Institute of Management (INCAE) Costa Rica 1.0
352 Utrecht U Netherlands 1.0
353 Lund U Sweden 1.0
354 U New Orleans USA 1.0
355 HEC Lausanne Switzerland 1.0
356 U Pisa Italy 1.0
357 National Taiwan U Taiwan 1.0
358 Umea U Sweden 1.0
359 Charles U Prague Czech Republic 1.0
360 Miami U Ohio USA 1.0
361 Royal Institute of Technology Sweden 1.0